What Methods Successfully Measure the ROI of Digital Marketing Campaigns?


    What Methods Successfully Measure the ROI of Digital Marketing Campaigns?

    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, measuring return on investment (ROI) is crucial for success. We've gathered methods from a professional panel that includes CEOs and Marketing Directors. From streamlining tracking with automation platforms to segmenting data analysis for deeper insights, explore how the experts gauge the effectiveness of their digital campaigns.

    • Streamline with a Single Automation Platform
    • Look Beyond Measuring Sales
    • Set Up Ad Tracking Codes
    • Use Unique Identifiers in Paid Search
    • Focus on Customer Lifetime Value
    • Employ a Multi-Channel Approach
    • Set Clear Objectives, Identify the Right KPIs
    • Segment Data Analysis for Deeper Insight

    Streamline with a Single Automation Platform

    To measure the ROI of a digital marketing campaign, we use a single automation platform to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost, and lifetime value. By having this information in one platform, we can ensure the data's accuracy and get real-time access to this information to make changes as needed to ensure the campaign drives optimal results. One example of how our team has measured the ROI of a digital marketing campaign is for a recent product launch for a client.

    We use HubSpot for all their marketing activities, so we created all their marketing assets in that one tool. Because we used one marketing technology tool, we were able to tie the following together:

    53% average email open rate

    20.1% average email click rate

    28,263 impressions and 282 new contacts from social media

    382 submissions with an average conversion rate of 23.7% from a website pop-up

    828 sales-qualified leads (37.5% increase in leads)

    Since all prospect and customer data is also tracked in HubSpot, we could attribute a 27% increase in revenue compared to the prior quarter from this product launch and associated marketing efforts.

    Tracking a campaign's ROI is critical so you know where you are spending your budget, what channels are driving revenue, and what channels you may need to reduce spending on to ensure the most ROI possible.

    Elyse Flynn Meyer
    Elyse Flynn MeyerOwner & Founder, Prism Global Marketing Solutions

    Look Beyond Measuring Sales

    Every business and every campaign is unique, so there isn't a universal method we use to calculate our content marketing ROI. Sometimes we don't measure sales directly—we might look at traffic or brand awareness instead.

    For example, we've calculated the ROI of online events and exhibitions we've hosted. Marketers organize various types of events like conferences, webinars, panel discussions, product launches, and thought-leadership events. These events are effective at building brand awareness, engaging potential customers, generating leads, and boosting sales.

    From my experience, one method to determine the ROI of your events is to tally up the total costs and then track the revenue generated over the following 90 days. This revenue might come from different sources such as ticket sales, sponsorship deals, and product sales.

    To figure out the event revenue, you total the income from these sources and then compare it to the event's expenses. Let's say you spend $10,000 on a two-day event and then bring in $30,000 from ticket sales and sponsorships, plus an additional $15,000 from product sales. Your event ROI would look like this:

    $30,000 + $15,000 = $45,000 total revenue.

    Subtract the $10,000 costs, and you have $35,000 net profit.

    To find the daily revenue average, divide $35,000 by 90 days, which equals about $388.89 per day.

    Alternatively, to compute the ROI as a percentage, use this formula:

    ((return - investment) / investment) x 100.

    For this scenario:

    $45,000 - $10,000 = $35,000.

    $35,000 / $10,000 x 100 = 350% ROI.

    This percentage gives us a clear view of the return on your investment for this specific campaign.

    Precious Abacan
    Precious AbacanMarketing Director, Softlist

    Set Up Ad Tracking Codes

    Measuring the ROI of a digital marketing campaign is crucial for understanding its effectiveness and guiding future strategies. For one of our clients, a local boutique, we launched a targeted social media ad campaign. To measure ROI, we set up specific tracking codes for each ad that linked to their online store. By comparing the ad spend to the revenue generated from customers who used those tracking codes at checkout, we could directly attribute sales to the campaign, resulting in a clear picture of ROI.

    We also went beyond basic sales data and considered the lifetime value of customers acquired through the campaign. By analyzing their repeat purchase behavior and projecting future transactions, we were able to provide a more comprehensive view of the campaign's long-term ROI. This approach helped our client understand the true value of their investment in digital marketing, leading to more informed budgeting decisions for future campaigns.

    Joshua Bartlett
    Joshua BartlettOwner, Double Plus Marketing

    Use Unique Identifiers in Paid Search

    A client's marketing budget is almost entirely spent on paid search advertising, so measuring the ROI is very important. They are using Zoho One as their business operations platform, and we are using simple automations to track campaign impact. Google Ads is properly set to record website conversions (via contact forms, phone calls, and chat). All paid search conversions contain a unique 'gclid' identifier. We use this as a lead source identifier within Zoho SalesIQ and Zoho CRM. When a lead goes through this process, it will then land in the sales team queue where an enquiry score is assigned from 1 to 10. When a deal is created, the lead source field is a transferable one, so we can directly attribute a deal as being generated by paid search.

    When reporting on the sales pipeline from paid search, we also deduct 30% operational costs before calculating the final ROI. So if we spend $5,000 to generate $100,000, we would report $5,000/$70,000. That's a more conservative calculation but also a realistic one.

    Hristina Stefanova
    Hristina StefanovaHead of Marketing Operations, Goose'n'Moose

    Focus on Customer Lifetime Value

    Our team employs various innovative methods to track and analyze the outcomes, ensuring we understand the true impact of our efforts. Here, I'll share one distinct approach we've used to successfully measure the ROI of our digital marketing campaigns.

    For a social media campaign, we measured ROI by focusing on the lifetime value (LTV) of the customers acquired through the campaign. We analyzed the initial cost of acquisition per customer and then tracked these customers' repeat purchase behavior over a set period. By integrating our CRM data with social media advertising analytics, we were able to attribute revenue back to specific campaigns and calculate the overall profitability based on customer retention rates. This method proved successful as it highlighted the campaign’s effectiveness in attracting not just one-time buyers but long-term customers, thereby providing a more comprehensive view of the ROI.

    Jason Hennessey
    Jason HennesseyCEO, Hennessey Digital

    Employ a Multi-Channel Approach

    For a recent digital marketing campaign, we employed a multi-channel approach and measured ROI by comparing the lift in revenue against the campaign cost across all channels. Initially, we established a sales baseline before the campaign started, which allowed us to measure the incremental impact of our marketing efforts. Each channel was tagged with unique tracking codes, and we used a marketing attribution model to assign revenue back to specific campaign activities, whether through social media, email marketing, or paid search ads. This attribution was crucial in understanding which channels drove the most profitable customer actions.

    To refine our measurement further, we also conducted A/B testing within each channel to determine the most effective messaging and creative designs. This testing helped identify our campaign's most impactful elements, allowing for real-time adjustments that improved performance. By continuously monitoring these metrics and making data-driven decisions, we were able to maximize our marketing spend. The campaign ultimately achieved a positive ROI, demonstrating the value of comprehensive tracking and agile management in digital marketing. The success was reflected in increased sales and improved customer engagement metrics, which are indicative of long-term brand growth.

    Vaibhav Kakkar
    Vaibhav KakkarCEO, Digital Web Solutions

    Set Clear Objectives, Identify the Right KPIs

    Measuring the ROI of a digital marketing campaign effectively involves defining clear objectives, identifying the right KPIs, and using precise data collection methods. For example, in a campaign I ran for a dental clinic, we focused on increasing online bookings through targeted ads and optimized landing pages. We set clear goals to improve the number of appointments booked online by 20% over a three-month period.

    To track our progress and measure ROI, we identified several KPIs, including cost per acquisition, return on ad spend, and lead-to-close ratio. These KPIs helped us monitor the cost-effectiveness of the campaign and the quality of leads generated. We utilized tools like Google Analytics and CRM software to collect and analyze data, ensuring accuracy and consistency in our measurements.

    The campaign ultimately achieved a 25% increase in online bookings, surpassing our initial goal. This success was reflected in our ROI calculation, which showed a significant return on the initial investment made in the digital marketing campaign.

    Ihor Lavrenenko
    Ihor LavrenenkoCEO, Dental SEO Expert

    Segment Data Analysis for Deeper Insight

    In one of my digital marketing campaigns, I successfully measured the ROI by setting up detailed tracking systems before the campaign launched. Using Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, we tracked all conversions attributable to the campaign, including direct and indirect interactions. This involved setting up specific conversion goals, such as newsletter sign-ups, downloads of a digital product, or completed sales, all of which were linked back to the advertising spend. By analyzing the cost per acquisition (CPA) and comparing it with the revenue generated from each conversion, we calculated the campaign's ROI precisely. This data-driven approach allowed us to understand exactly how much each invested dollar was returning, providing clear insights into the campaign's effectiveness.

    Moreover, to gain deeper insights into the campaign's performance, we segmented the data analysis to identify the most effective parts. For example, we examined different demographics, ad placements, and times of day to see where our spend yielded the highest returns. This level of analysis confirmed the overall ROI and helped us optimize ongoing and future campaigns. By reallocating our budget towards the highest-performing segments, we increased our overall ROI, making the campaign even more successful as it progressed.

    Sahil Kakkar
    Sahil KakkarCEO & Founder, RankWatch