What Are Unique Methods for Audience Segmentation in Targeted Marketing?


    What Are Unique Methods for Audience Segmentation in Targeted Marketing?

    In the quest for more effective campaigns, we've gathered insights from nine marketing experts, including CMOs and Digital Marketing Managers, on audience segmentation. They share unique methods ranging from segmenting by skill level assessment to mapping user interaction journeys, offering a glimpse into innovative strategies for targeted marketing.

    • Segment by Skill Level Assessment
    • Combine Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning
    • Combine Psychographics with Real-Time Triggers
    • Segment by Problem-Solving Behavior
    • Tailor Messages to Lifestyle and Values
    • Segment Based on Campaign Engagement
    • Form Segments Using Past Preferences
    • Employ Psychographic Segmentation with AI
    • Map User Interaction Journeys

    Segment by Skill Level Assessment

    On our platform, we have implemented a way to group our users based on their existing skills and knowledge. By having them take skill-assessment tests before signing up for courses, we can classify them into beginner and advanced categories. This helps us customize our marketing approaches better, so that learners get course offers suited to their skill level. This approach boosts the chances of completing courses, and increases satisfaction among our customers.

    Arkadiy Ostrenko
    Arkadiy OstrenkoCMO, BI-Box

    Combine Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning

    As marketing experts, we understand the power of audience segmentation in driving more targeted and effective campaigns. One unique method we've employed is leveraging predictive analytics to segment our audience based on their future behavior.

    By analyzing past interactions, browsing history, and demographic data, we can predict future preferences and interests, allowing us to tailor our marketing messages more accurately. This proactive approach enables us to anticipate customer needs and deliver personalized experiences that resonate on a deeper level.

    Furthermore, combining predictive analytics with machine-learning algorithms allows us to continuously refine and optimize our segmentation strategy over time. This iterative process ensures that our marketing efforts remain relevant and impactful in an ever-changing landscape.

    Ultimately, by embracing innovative approaches to audience segmentation, we can unlock new opportunities for engagement, conversion, and long-term loyalty.

    Daniel Merrill
    Daniel MerrillFounder - Sales and Marketing, Oncourse CRM

    Combine Psychographics with Real-Time Triggers

    We've had success with psychographic segmentation combined with real-time contextual triggers. We built detailed profiles of our audience segments that considered not just demographics, but their values, interests, and online behavior. Then, we layered real-time triggers based on things like weather, news events, or even trending social media hashtags. This allowed us to deliver super-targeted messages.

    Imagine it's raining, and we're targeting an audience segment with an interest in healthy living with a promotion for our new waterproof fitness trackers. It's about giving the right message to the right person at the exact moment they're most receptive.

    Fahad Khan
    Fahad KhanDigital Marketing Manager, Ubuy India

    Segment by Problem-Solving Behavior

    Instead of just slicing the audience by age, location, or income, we got crafty with behavioral data—think actions, not attributes. We focused on their interactions with our content: who clicked what, how often they engaged, and their journey through our digital nooks and crannies. It's like tailoring your party invites based on who actually laughs at your jokes, you know?

    Here’s the kicker: we segmented based on the types of problems they wanted to solve. Are they DIYers looking to fix a leak at midnight, or are they the type to call in a pro for even the smallest drip? Each gets a different approach; one gets tips and tricks, the other, a quick line to our best contractors.

    Andrew Lee Jenkins
    Andrew Lee JenkinsOwner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency

    Tailor Messages to Lifestyle and Values

    We used a unique way to split our audience for more targeted marketing. We looked at how people act and what they like. We did not just look at age or what they bought before. We saw which articles they read, the videos they watched, and how they used social media. We also looked at their way of life, values, and attitudes. This lets us make marketing messages that fit each group well. The messages spoke to what each group cares about. This made people want to interact with the messages more.

    Khurram Mir
    Khurram MirFounder and Chief Marketing Officer, Kualitee

    Segment Based on Campaign Engagement

    A unique method I've employed to segment the audience for more targeted marketing is behavioral segmentation based on engagement levels with previous campaigns. By analyzing how different segments interact with emails, social media posts, or web content—measuring metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and time spent on pages—we tailor future communications more precisely.

    This approach allows us to send highly personalized content and offers, significantly improving conversion rates as we align our messaging with the specific interests and behaviors of our audience segments.

    Fahd Khan
    Fahd KhanDirector of Marketing & Technology, JetLevel Aviation

    Form Segments Using Past Preferences

    We are using predictive analytics for audience segmentation. For a dental practice's website, we analyzed historical data on patient visits and treatment preferences to forecast future behaviors and preferences. This allowed us to create highly targeted marketing campaigns that addressed the specific needs and interests of different patient groups.

    We also incorporated geographic segmentation combined with behavioral data to tailor our marketing messages. This helped deliver highly relevant content and offers that resonated with each segment. For example, patients from one neighborhood were more interested in cosmetic dentistry, so we targeted them with specific ads for whitening treatments and aesthetic dental services.

    The use of these advanced segmentation techniques led to a notable increase in engagement and conversion rates on the practice’s website. We saw a 30% increase in appointment bookings from the targeted segments. This approach enhanced patient satisfaction by providing them with relevant offers and information.

    Ihor Lavrenenko
    Ihor LavrenenkoCEO, Dental SEO Expert

    Employ Psychographic Segmentation with AI

    Most people in our industry segment their audience based on location, gender, and age. That may be a good strategy, but it's not always useful, as everyone has different tastes and personalities.

    We chose to focus on psychographic segmentation and combine it with AI algorithms. Machine learning helped us identify patterns from the data we collected, and the focus was on our clients' lifestyle preferences and values. This allowed us to create a targeted marketing campaign that touched upon unique motivations, bringing the right audience toward us.

    Jason Vaught
    Jason VaughtPresident, Equipping Entrepreneurs

    Map User Interaction Journeys

    As the CEO of a tech firm deeply involved in all facets of the business, we've pioneered a novel approach to audience segmentation: 'Interaction Journey Mapping.' We map the digital interactions of our users, tracing their clicks, page duration, and journey through our site or app. This mapping goes beyond just numerical data; it provides valuable insight into their preferences, behavior, and user journey. We then craft personalized marketing messages that resonate with each unique user journey, fostering a deeper connection and enhancing engagement rates.

    Abid Salahi
    Abid SalahiCo-founder & CEO, FinlyWealth