Dominic Laskowsky, CEO & Founder, autoMEE


This interview is with Dominic Laskowsky, CEO & Founder at autoMEE.

Dominic Laskowsky, CEO & Founder, autoMEE

Dominic, welcome to Martech Interviews! Could you kick things off by telling our readers a bit about yourself and your journey to becoming an expert in the AI field?

The AI revolution is here—and I’m all in. As the founder and CEO of an AI-automation agency, I’ve seen firsthand how businesses struggle to keep up in a world that never stops moving. It’s not enough to stay afloat anymore. To thrive, you need to be ahead of the curve. That’s where I come in. My passion has always been about more than just technology. It’s about reshaping the way companies think about their work, their sales, and their customers. Automation, for me, isn’t about replacing people; it’s about unleashing their full potential by removing the bottlenecks that slow them down.

Your career path is truly inspiring. Could you share a pivotal moment or decision that solidified your focus on AI for business and marketing?

One pivotal moment really stands out. Before I launched my AI-automation agency, I actually started with a company called We Can Do IT, which was focused on HR solutions. The goal was to help businesses streamline their hiring and workforce-management processes. We were helping companies find the right talent, but as we scaled, I noticed something: even with all the tools available, businesses were still struggling with inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and the high cost of managing people-heavy operations. That’s when it clicked. I realized that the real future wasn’t in just finding more people to solve business problems—it was in reducing the need for them altogether. Not by cutting jobs but by automating the repetitive, time-consuming tasks that were draining resources. So, I made a bold decision to pivot. I shifted my focus from HR to AI-driven automation, creating solutions that allowed businesses to scale faster and operate more efficiently with fewer human touchpoints. That was a game-changer. Instead of just helping companies hire better, I could help them rethink how they approached work entirely. It wasn’t about replacing people—it was about empowering businesses to do more with the people they already had, freeing up their time for what really matters: innovation, creativity, and growth. That decision completely redefined my career, and it’s what drives me today in the AI space.

Many businesses are eager to leverage AI but hesitate due to implementation challenges. What's the most significant hurdle you've overcome while integrating AI solutions for a company, and what advice would you offer others facing similar obstacles?

One of the biggest hurdles I’ve faced when integrating AI solutions for companies is overcoming the fear of change. Businesses are eager to harness the power of AI, but they’re often overwhelmed by the complexity of implementation. I had a client early on who was excited about AI but became hesitant as the reality of restructuring their processes set in. They worried about disrupting their team, the learning curve, and whether the investment would really pay off. The breakthrough came when I stopped trying to sell them on the tech and instead focused on the outcomes. I worked with them to simplify the process—one step at a time—starting with a small, manageable part of their workflow. Once they saw the immediate gains from automating just one area, they were all-in for a larger roll-out. The most significant advice I’d offer to businesses facing similar challenges is this: start small and scale up. You don’t need to overhaul your entire operation overnight. Identify one area where automation can have an immediate impact, whether it’s customer service, data management, or marketing outreach. Implement AI in that space, track the results, and use that success to build momentum for further integration.

Can you share an example of an AI marketing campaign or initiative that delivered exceptional results? What key takeaways can our readers glean from its success?

One AI-powered marketing initiative that delivered exceptional results was a framework we created using Meta ads in combination with AI-driven communication. Here’s how it worked: We set up Meta ads specifically targeting our client’s ideal customer profile (ICP). Once the ads attracted leads, the real magic began. We had two AI voice agents and two AI text agents working in tandem. These AI agents would engage with leads as soon as they interacted with the ads—whether it was through a text chat, email, or even a phone call. They’d qualify the leads, answer basic questions, and guide them through the initial discovery process. As soon as the lead showed genuine interest, the AI agents would seamlessly move them toward booking a meeting. And the best part? The AI agents would automatically update the calendar, scheduling meetings based on both the lead’s availability and the sales team’s schedule. No back-and-forth, no delays—the calendar was packed, automatically. The results were incredible. We saw an immediate increase in booked meetings and a substantial improvement in lead quality. By the time our human sales team got involved, they were dealing with highly engaged, pre-qualified leads, ready for deeper conversations.

AI automation is rapidly changing the marketing landscape. What are some common misconceptions businesses have about AI automation, and how can they embrace it effectively?

One big myth is that AI will replace jobs. In reality, AI takes over repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on strategy, creativity, and relationship-building. It's not about replacing people—it's about empowering them to work smarter. Another misconception is that AI is only for big companies with huge budgets. Today, AI tools are affordable and scalable, no matter the business size. You don't need to overhaul everything at once. Start small, automate a single process, and grow from there. Many also think AI is too complex to implement, but modern platforms are user-friendly and integrate seamlessly with existing systems. The key is knowing where automation can make the most impact and taking it one step at a time.

Data privacy is a major concern when implementing AI in marketing. What steps should companies take to ensure responsible and ethical use of customer data in their AI-driven strategies?

First, transparency is key. Let customers know what data you're collecting, how you’re using it, and why. Clear communication builds trust and shows you’re handling their information with care.

Next, implement strong data-protection practices. This means encrypting sensitive data, regularly updating security protocols, and ensuring only authorized personnel have access to it. Companies should also follow data privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA to stay compliant.

Consent is critical. Always get explicit permission from users before collecting or processing their data. Customers should feel in control of their own information, with the ability to opt in or out easily.

Looking ahead, what are the most exciting advancements in AI for business and marketing that you're particularly enthusiastic about?

Looking ahead, one of the most exciting advancements in AI is OpenAI’s new voice capabilities through its API. This is a game-changer, especially for industries like customer service and call centers. Imagine having AI agents with highly realistic, conversational voices that can handle customer inquiries 24/7—no more waiting on hold, no more robotic, frustrating interactions. With this voice AI, we’re on the verge of transforming call centers forever. These AI-powered agents can answer common questions, solve problems, and even handle more complex requests by seamlessly escalating to human agents when needed. The result? A dramatically improved customer experience, faster resolutions, and significant cost savings for businesses. And the potential goes beyond customer service. These voice AIs can be used in sales, marketing, and even post-purchase support, creating more personalized, engaging interactions at every stage of the customer journey. The future we’re heading toward is one where AI doesn’t just assist— it communicates with the nuance and empathy customers expect from a human, but with the efficiency and scalability that businesses need.

For marketers feeling overwhelmed by the rapid evolution of AI, what learning resources or strategies would you recommend to stay ahead of the curve?

Start by diving into industry blogs and newsletters that focus on AI in marketing. Sources like Marketing AI Institute or OpenAI's updates provide digestible insights and case studies on how businesses are using AI today. They're great for understanding trends without getting bogged down in technical jargon.

What final piece of advice would you give to businesses looking to harness the full potential of AI in their marketing efforts?

AI is an incredibly powerful tool, but it’s just that—a tool. It’s easy to get caught up in the latest AI trends and tech, but the real magic happens when you use AI to solve real customer problems and create deeper, more personalized experiences. Always start by asking: How can AI help me serve my customers better? Whether it's streamlining their journey, predicting their needs, or delivering more relevant content, customer-centricity should drive every AI decision.

Also, don’t try to do everything at once. AI is scalable—start with one specific area that can benefit from automation or personalization, then build from there. Small wins with AI can lead to bigger transformations over time.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

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